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Suspect Killed In Altercation With Sheriff's Deputy

STOCKTON (CBS13) -- One suspect is dead and a sheriff's deputy was injured after responding to a report of a home invasion on Tuesday.

Deputies responded to a man and woman trying to break into a home in the 6800 block of Kaiser Road at about 11:30 a.m., according to sheriff's spokesman Les Garcia. The couple jumped the railroad tracks into a large railyard at 6540 Austin Road.

One deputy then detained the female suspect, but the male suspect reportedly carjacked a railyard worker's truck as he was pursued by another deputy.

The deputy hung on to the truck as it drove off, but as it picked up speed, the deputy fired his weapon at the suspect, Garcia said.

The deputy was then thrown off the truck and was knocked out when his head hit the ground. The injured suspect briefly kept going in the truck before dying from the gun shot wound.

"It's really scary," said Irene Laugero.

Laugero says the two suspects were trying to break into her 84-year-old grandmother's home.

"And he was shaking the gate and trying to get in, but all of them were locked," she said.

Others on the street says the couple was walking through the neighborhood with duffel bags and asking residents for water.

The deputy is expected to be OK.

"Right now our main concern is the deputy and his injuries," said Garcia.

The deputy is a 9-year veteran.

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