Supervisor Takes Aim At Blight In South Oak Park
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – The battle against crime and blight in South Oak Park is taking a new turn.
Sacramento Supervisor Phil Serna says cleaning up the neighborhood is now his top priority.
It's an area outside city limits that has missed the high-profile revitalization inside the city. Serna's plans focus on making a big change to a small public park.
People illegally dumping belongings to the curb is commonplace in South Oak Park.
There are other problems, too. Besides code enforcement problems, this neighborhood also has the most calls in the county for stray dogs.
In just the past two months, more than 30 strays have been picked up off the streets.
Now Sacramento Supervisor Phil Serna is mapping out a cleanup plan for this section of Oak Park between 14th Avenue and Fruitridge Road.
He wants the cleanup to start by expanding Jack Davis Park, adding a new playground and new pride.
"We want people in this neighborhood to understand that this is their asset," Serna said.
It's an approach that's already inspiring change
"I get excited, I see other people doing the same thing," said resident Ashley Kettenhofen. "There's three homes behind me that are being remodeled."
Serna says his planned park expansion could begin by the end of the year. He says he has also reached out to the Kings Foundation for help with a new basketball court.