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Still Need Miracle March To Reach Normal Rain Total

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - Despite this week's stormy weather, the Central Valley still needs a massive, cloud-bursting, continuous storm to reach normal rain totals. We need a miracle this March.

Jim Matthews is a lead forecaster for the National Weather Service's Sacramento office. He doesn't believe in miracles

"A miracle is a real strong word at this time," he said. "Well, how about a modest March. Maybe we'll call it that."

Since November we've had too many sunny days.

"We are significantly below normal precipitation here in the Sacramento area," he said.

Right now we're about 57 percent below normal. The past few months have been some of the driest in more the 100 years.

"It makes the top 10 list," Matthews said, going back to 1897. "Even with a wet week like this we're still significantly drier than normal."

Well, there is more on the way - a possible super soaker later this week. But is it enough to make a difference?

"I think we'll still be running a deficit," Matthews said.

Stay optimistic Sacramento. Miracles can happen.
"The clouds, the rain, bring it," said rain lover Dan Harold.

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