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"Stay Safe": Sacramento Kings Guard Kyle Guy's Grandfather Dies From Coronavirus

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Sacramento Kings guard Kyle Guy announced on social media the death of his grandfather from coronavirus and urged people to take the pandemic seriously by complying with the statewide stay-at-home order.

"Covid-19 has destroyed a lot of families," his Instagram caption read. "I urge and beg you all to take this seriously. You don't want this to be what wakes you up."

Guy said his grandfather died from the virus Friday night

(credit: Kyle Guy)

"When I was 7 or 8 my grandpa had me sign a piece of paper saying he'd be my manager (jokingly) if I ever made it to the NBA," Guy's caption read. "Something as small as that was always on my mind while I tried to make that dream come true."

As of Saturday, the U.S. has over 300,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and California has over 12,700.

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