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Stanford Archives Offer Window Into Apple Origins

PALO ALTO (AP) — Historians and entrepreneurs who want to understand the rise of Apple Inc. and its founder Steve Jobs will find a treasure trove of clues in Stanford University's Silicon Valley Archives.

Stanford is home to the world's largest collection of Apple-related historical artifacts, most of which the consumer electronics company donated to the university in 1997.

Stanford's Apple Collection takes up more than 600 feet of shelf space at the school's off-campus storage facility.

The archives include photos, computer blueprints, user manuals, software, hardware, magazine ads, TV commercials, company t-shirts and pins, and handwritten financial records.

Interest in Apple and its legendary founder has grown dramatically since Jobs died in October at age 56, just weeks after he stepped down as CEO and handed the reins to Tim Cook.


Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.

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