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Spring-like weather draws people outside ahead of warmer temps for Northern California

Northern California set for warmest weekend in months
Northern California set for warmest weekend in months 03:26

ROSEVILLE -- Friday's warm weather had people enjoying the outdoors while also getting a taste of spring-like weather.

For some, the sunshine meant going down to Granite Bay Beach, parking along the shore, and enjoying the sights and sounds of Folsom Lake.

For others, like Cory Reynolds and Cooper Wait, it was the perfect excuse for a long-awaited ride on their motorcycles.

"Out riding in the sun, it's kind of like the first time in a hot second that it's been nice and warm," Wait said.

For them, the winter blues took a backseat Friday afternoon as they got to enjoy dry pavement and warmer temperatures.

"So when you finally get that little bit of summer sun, it's really amazing," Reynolds said.

Further up in the foothills, the Auburn State Recreation Area stayed surprisingly busy for a Friday in February. People could be seen hiking while others could be seen having a picnic along the American River.

"It's been a nice and sunny week so we came out here," Josh Romaniolis said.

Soaking up not just the sun but time in nature and trading screen time for sunshine.

"Surrounding yourself with nature is super important, especially with the sun, i mean the sun is life, it's energy," Romaniolis said.

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