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Sonora Doctor's Practice Shut Down Amid Drug Allegations

SONORA (CBS13) -- A Sonora doctor is facing charges that she practiced medicine while under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Dr. Stacey Hoffmann has also been charged with prescribing herself methadone, hydrocodone and codeine.

The 47-year-old doctor was previously suspended by the state medical board for several violations, including two DUIs and prescribing her boyfriend drugs. She told medical board officials she did so in order so that he could stockpile them in case his insurance ran out.

This time, she faces nine charges, including eight that she practiced medicine while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

It all comes as a shock to one her former patients.

"She was terrific," said Judith Vaitys. "She spent the whole hour with me and asked me about my background, and that's what I need. That's what I'm looking for in a doctor."

The medical board is moving forward with trying to revoke Hoffmann's license, but in the meantime asked the state Attorney General's Office to step in and shut down the practice because medical officials say she's a danger to the public.

"I'm sad for her," Vaitys said. "If I could help her, I would."

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