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Some Embrace The Cold; Others Seek Heat

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- A freeze in the forecast didn't keep some families from the outdoor ice rink in downtown Sacrametno on Tuesday night, even with temperatures again dropping into chilling territory.

Despite it being cooler on the ice a lot of people were enjoying this Christmas-time tradition. One suggestion, though, bring gloves.

But some people wanted to get out of the cold all together by going to the extreme opposite, submerging themselves in the heat of a yoga studio

"You can feel it immediately when you walk in the room," one participant said.

This East Sacramento Bikram yoga studio is a warm haven, heating up to more than 100 degrees.

"People could hardly wait to get in stepping in that room," owner Phil McCauley said. "It's like stepping against a fireplace when you've been skiing."

Yoga loka's owner says they are at their busiest on colder days...

"Oh, it's awesome here," Colin Swift said. "It feels great like being in the desert in the summer time."

Five minutes into class on Tuesday it was 103 degrees, getting participants' muscles warm and the sweat dripping...

Meanwhile, Mateo Martin shivered at a valet service.

"I've got wool sock thermals underneath this long sleeve shirt," he said.

Layers and layers of clothes warm coffee and keeping busy helped him endure on this frigid December night.

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