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Social Work Pays Off For Passionate Sacramento Therapist

Laura Newman, a case manager therapist II at Beech Brook, has a Bachelor's of Arts in Sociology, a minor in Urban Studies and a Master's in Social Work. Her Social Services career has taken her from California to Pennsylvania, and now to Ohio.

How did you get into this line of work?

"I was exposed to the idea of social work when I was younger; my mom is an OT [Occupational Therapist] and works with children from very low socioeconomic backgrounds. Before I went to college, I knew that I wanted to major in sociology as it would be relevant to social work. While I was an undergraduate, I interned and took educational studies classes that exposed me to the school-based idea. In graduate school I interned at an inner-city high school."

How does your education play a role in your daily life?

"It shapes the way I look at the world, how I move about the community, how I treat others, how I vote... I could go on and on. My education provided a great deal of exposure and research"

What is your advice for future graduates?

"Internships and exploration were a huge part of discovering areas of my job that I am extremely passionate about, so I would encourage all future graduates to take advantage of volunteer positions, class field work credit or any other internship opportunities. Also, talk to other professionals, ask lots of questions and shadow young professionals as they know how difficult it is right out of college."

What kind of re-education is available and do you recommend it?

"I have a social work license, so I'm required to take continuing education classes. For my line of work there are many choices, but I would recommend taking classes that are relevant to your community and line of work. For me, that would be certification in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as trauma is a major issue for the children I work with. Additionally, because it's a widely supported evidence-based practice, it will increase my hire ability and make me a better practitioner."

Megan Bowyer is a freelance writer in search of the best food and drinks that Sacramento has to offer. You can find her at any number of dive bars or trendy restaurants; just look for the short blonde feeding the jukebox. Her work can be found at ""

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