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Sleepy Suspect Barricades Himself Inside Woodland Home During Alleged Robbery

WOODLAND (CBS13) — A sleepy suspected burglar was woken up by the homeowner, only to barricade himself in the house, not ready to go to jail just yet.

"I said, 'What are you doing in my house?'"

That's all Lori Hensley could think to say after discovering a strange man in her house. But the man wasn't phased.

"He didn't look at me. He didn't flinch or move," said Lori.

The man was passed out inside Lori's Woodland home, apparently enjoying a little too much of her booze while allegedly ransacking the home.

Lori would call the cops.

"I've lived here for 27 years, and we've never had anything like this," she said.

Officers would arrive, neighbors were evacuated.

"They were telling him to please come out with his hands up," she said.

But the suspect—identified as 27-year-old Alejandro Hurtado, who eventually woke up and refused to come out—would eventually release the only hostage, their dog.

But it wasn't over.

Officers weren't risking anyone's safety. Despite the damage inside, they were forced to cause more by busting through windows to put a robot inside. They would then go inside, shooting flash-bang devices to distract him.

"I don't know what was going through his mind," said Lori.

An ordeal over, but not quite for Lori.

"They've gone through every single room and taken things from every single room," said Lori.

She didn't want to show us inside, but says there is no doubt the suspect was working with others, who got away with a number of her precious items.

"It's definitely not fun. I'm just glad our dog is home safe, and nobody got hurt," she said.

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