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Brazen Sexual Assault In Workplace Leaves Woman Shaken

LODI (CBS13) – A woman was sexually assaulted at work in Lodi, and police are now looking into surveillance video to help catch the criminal.

"I just kept thinking, he's going to kill me," said Christina, who was attacked.

Christina was in an office building sitting at her desk when a strange man came at her and attacked her.

"I just kept hitting and pleading, you know, 'Don't do this! Why are you doing this?'" she said.

The suspect had pinned her down, unable to move.

"He was trying to rip off my dress...touching me all over and kissing me," she said.

Eventually, she was able to escape his grip and run for help.

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"I kicked him and just jumped up and as I'm running to the door he grabs the back of my hair," she said.

Security cameras captured the suspect entering and then leaving the building. He's described as an East Indian man in his late 20s or early 30s and was wearing a long blue sarong-type shirt and a black backpack.

Christina called 911, but her assailant was gone by the time officers arrived.

"It is very unusual; very bold," said Lt. Mike Manetti with the Lodi Police Department.

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Christina is still shocked by the senseless crime and wants to make sure her attacker is arrested.

"I have to walk through life now scared and for my kids; I have daughters," Christina said. "I am angry and I do want to find him because now I'm losing sleep, I'm getting the nightmares. I didn't think it would affect me that way, but it did."

Lodi police are looking for any information leading to this man's arrest. If you recognize him, you're asked to call the police.

Christina has also had a lot of help from a Facebook page "209 Times" and hopes someone knows something.

If the man is caught, he faces felony sexual assault charges.

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