Driver Arrested For DUI After Hitting School Bus Head-On
SOMERSET (CBS13) – Two students on-board a school bus were hurt when the bus was hit head-on by a person suspected of driving drunk.
The bus was on its way to Union Mine High School and had students in it at the time of the crash in Somerset, south of Placerville, on Grizzly Flat Road.
California Highway Patrol says that a car hit the bus head-on around 6:50 a.m., leaving two students on the bus with minor injuries. The students were transported from the scene as a precaution, a school district official says.
"Anytime kids are involved, it's scary," said CHP Officer Daniel Stark. "Parents get scared. I mean, we hear it as CHP officers and it hits a chord with us. A lot of us have kids ourselves."
Dina Gentry, Communications Director for the El Dorado County Office of Education, said that the district is notifying parents about the incident.
It is unclear if the bus driver or the driver of the car were injured. However, CHP says that the driver of the car has been arrested under suspicion of DUI.
The roadway will be blocked for the time being. Keep checking back for updates.