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Sacramento's newest park may come to the middle of a busy street

Sacramento's newest park may come to the middle of a busy street
Sacramento's newest park may come to the middle of a busy street 01:48

SACRAMENTO — Sacramento city leaders are under community pressure to build more parks, and now the newest park may be located in an unexpected spot.

"We absolutely need more parks," said Jaymee Go, a spokesperson for Parks Now.

That's the message many people have for the City of Sacramento.

Sacramento's goal is to have a park within a ten-minute walk of every home, but right now, there are 66 neighborhoods that don't meet that standard.

"They are the basis for healthy communities and thriving communities," Go said.

Now, Sacramento's newest park could be in the middle of a busy street, between the east and westbound lanes of 21st Avenue near the Tallic Village neighborhood in the southeast portion of the city.

"This median actually used to be a railroad track," said Mike Day, who lives in the area.

The stretch is only about 100 feet wide, but it's nearly a mile long and it's already an unofficial gathering spot for people, pets, and even wildlife.

"There's people they take walks out here, they jog out here, kids will play out here," Day said.

Now, the city wants to turn it into a proper park with walking paths, benches, shade structures, and a game area. But some people have safety concerns about having a park surrounded by moving vehicles.

"Cars fly by a lot, so how are they going to deal with traffic?" asked Alfred Raman, who also lives in the area. "Are they going to put more speed bumps, more stop signs?"

The city is working on final design plans for the park and looking for grants to pay for construction.

"The neighborhood is a very close community and I think it would be used," Day said.

The city's park commission is holding a public hearing on the proposal Thursday night at city hall.

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