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Sacramento Officials Tout Green Incentive Plan For Businesses

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Mayor Kevin Johnson on Tuesday announced an incentive to get more Sacramento businesses to be more energy efficient.

Sacramento is one of two cities chosen by British billionaire Richard Branson to invest $100 million in private dollars to make retrofit city buildings. And business owners don't need any upfront cash.

City officials say the plan is also expected to add 1,500 local jobs over five years, mostly in construction.

The city says it's already talking to interested business owners who would pay for the green retrofit through a surcharge on their property tax bills.

"People ask what's the impact of this, and it's very simple, it's a triple win. A win for jobs, it's a win for people's energy bills, we know the skyrocketing cost of energy, and this is a win for us to lead the way with sustainability," Sacramento City Councilman Kevin McCarty said during Tuesday's announcement.

It's a move at least one Sacramento business owner backs completely.

Everywhere you turn at Hot Italian restaurant in Sacramento, it's energy efficient, from the low-flow sink, to the hand dryer, even where you put your hands while eating gelato, which "is made from recycled coffee beans," according to owner Andrea Lepore.

The restaurant is mainly made up of recycled, energy-efficient material and, according to Lepore, well worth it for the 6,000-square-foot eatery open every day just before lunch.

"Sometimes our bills are a couple hundred dollars a month," Lepore said. "I don't think there's any downside. I mean, it's the right thing to do."

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