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Sacramento Changing From Weekly To Monthly Street Sweeping Parking Restrictions

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - The City of Sacramento is changing its parking enforcement and will no longer have weekly restrictions on certain streets.

Starting Friday, June 29, the signs will change on a number of Downtown and Midtown streets from weekly to monthly restrictions for city services. In the past, drivers were restricted from parking in certain spots at a set time every week- even if the service wasn't scheduled to happen.

In addition, many blocks that had no restrictions in the past will now have monthly restrictions in order to provide street sweeping to a larger area.

Under the new system, blocks needing only monthly street sweeping will now just have restrictions between 8 am and noon on the 1st week of the month.

  • Monday Service- South side of lettered streets
  • Tuesday Service- North side of lettered streets
  • Wednesday Service- West side of numbered streets
  • Thursday Service- East side of numbered streets

You can check to see how your block is impacted HERE.

A Call Kurtis Investigation from 2013 found the City of Sacramento wrote millions of dollars in street cleaning tickets when it wasn't sweeping the streets. At the time Sacramento promised to re-evaluate its street signs.

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CBS13 did find out the city quietly took down some street cleaning signs on P Street, which was the focus of our investigation.

In 2016 Call Kurtis pulled two years worth (nearly 45,000) of Midtown street cleaning tickets worth $2.3 million.

We then wanted to know when the street sweeping was happening, so we requested records for 20 blocks throughout the Midtown area. The city's street sweeping data only goes back one year, but on those 20 blocks, we found a whopping 44% of tickets were written on days when the city didn't sweep the streets.

Call Kurtis questioned Sacramento's Integrated Waste General Manager Terrance Davis about the issue. Davis told us street cleaning could also include other city services, calling it, "a term of art, if you will." When Call Kurtis pointed out the street signs say street cleaning, not city services, and asked why Sacramento has a different definition- he was told by Davis, "I think Sacramento is a little bit unique" and admitted the signs could be clearer.

Soon after we started asking questions again, Sacramento started testing a monthly restriction pilot program in October 2016 between N and Q streets on 19th to 23rd.

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The new monthly signs being installed starting Friday do say city services, not street cleaning.

According to Sacramento, the changes will provide an additional 1,200 hours of parking a month for people.

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