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Sac Co. Cuts $82M To Balance Budget, 300 Government Workers May Lose Their Jobs

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Hundreds of government workers could soon lose their jobs in Sacramento. Today, Sacramento county leaders announced plans to slash 300 positions.

The budget balancing act is taking a large chunk of funding from public safety; the Sheriff's department shortfall, and more than $26 million.

Sheriff Scott Jones says his department can absorb more than $17 million in cuts, and supervisors are restoring more than $5 million in funding, which leaves a budget gap of more than $4 million.

The sheriff is now discounting pat discussions that have included the possibility of laying off more than 60 deputies.

"I'm not going to scare the public and talk about a lay off that may not occur," says Sheriff Scott Jones.

The Sheriff says he cannot guarantee deputies will not be laid off, but is looking at every option to maintain the public's safety.

"My absolute number one priority is for this department to have not laid off sworn and professional staff," Sheriff Jones said.

Even if no deputies are eliminated, the cuts could still create a revolving door, putting criminals arrested for some crimes right back out on the street.

The District Attorney is facing a budget shortfall of more than $6 million.  District Attorney Jan Scully issued this statement:

"Arrests take criminals off the street – only prosecutors keep them off the streets.  Cut in the District Attorney's office could mean only the most serious crimes are prosecuted.  The District Attorney is acknowledging that if her office is forced to make $6 million in cuts, clearly there will be crimes that will not be prosecuted."

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