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Rotting Meat Left To Stink Up South Sac Neighborhood

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Some 50 pounds of rotting meat were dumped in a south Sacramento neighborhood -- and were left there decaying in 90-plus-degree weather for two days.

"Oh god. It's horrifying. It smelled like a dead body," Robert Asay said of the stench.

"It's very bad. The smell goes all the way to our apartments," another neighbor said.

Something foul definitely was in the air Sunday afternoon after somebody pulled up in a U-Haul and dumped 15 bags of meat in an alleyway in the neighborhood off 56th Avenue. The meat packages were dated July 21.

Asay caught the man in the act and chased him away. But then he started making phone calls to various public agencies to get the meat removed, and he wasn't getting anywhere. All the while, the smell was getting worse.

"I didn't know who to call so I called you guys, Channel 13," Asay said. "I emailed you guys asking who do I call because the sheriff doesn't want to do it, fire department doesn't want to do it. I called the county and all they give me is a recording."

The meat was still in the alley when CBS13's Ben Sosenko went to check out the situation on Tuesday afternoon about 1 p.m. but was removed shortly after Sosenko contacted someone with the county's Code Enforcement department.

The county added that it offers rewards for information about illegal dumping.

The question remains now concerning the mystery meat. Where did it come from? The meat packaging says Swiss American Sausage Co. They didn't return CBS13's calls when we tried to find out where the meat came from. U-Haul couldn't tell us who was driving the truck, either.

Neighbors, though, were more concerned about just getting the stink removed from their street.

"Why didn't someone come and even look at it, pick it up, do something?" Della Garibaldi asked. "I don't know why the garbage people didn't pick it up."

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