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Racist Remark Removed From Del Paso Heights Home

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Longtime Del Paso Heights resident Herman Hill was forced to walk by a message of hate for the past few days.

"They're targeting black people and ain't nobody done anything," Hill told CBS13 on Monday.

The racist graffiti was first seen early this weekend scrawled across a vacant duplex, stating "No (n-words allowed."

This hate message was painted on to a residence in Del Paso Heights. (credit: CBS13)

The statement was also painted on a car parked in front of the property. Hill fears a statement like this in a neighborhood no stranger to police activity could incite violence.

"It'll irritate a lot of other young black people who may actually want to retaliate against something like this," he said.

Monte Gullo lives next door.

"I don't want to see this anywhere, and I don't want to see it next door to me, and I don't want to see it in my neighborhood."

Sacramento police tell CBS13 they took a report -- but as for removing it, we tried reaching the property owner, Francisco Contreras, at a home in Watsonville -- but with no luck. So we turned to the city's code enforcement department, which said they're on it.

Later Monday the city did remove the message, but even once now removed, for neighbors like Hill it's a sad reminder of what still exists.

"Ignorance only brings ignorance, so why be ignorant?" he asked.

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