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Push underway to rename Auburn VA clinic after Lou Conter, last survivor of USS Arizona attack

Push underway to rename Auburn VA clinic after Lou Conter
Push underway to rename Auburn VA clinic after Lou Conter 02:16

AUBURN — There is a new push in Auburn to recognize prominent Lou Conter, who was the last living survivor of the U.S.S. Arizona attack at Pearl Harbor before his death earlier this year.

Representative Kevin Kiley recently introduced a bill that would essentially rename the Auburn VA clinic after the Navy commander in his honor.

Conter's family reminisced over old photos, looking back at his life and legacy.

"What he did in his service for 28 years is pretty incredible," his son, Jim Conter, said.

Conter passed away in April at the age of 102 surrounded by family at his home in Grass Valley. We were there at his massive memorial service - following his death.

"Conter's story is not just about his major contributions, not just about our state," Kiley said. "It's really an American story."

Kiley met Conter on several occasions and said that he was a humble man who cared deeply for his fellow veterans.

"The more we can tell his story, I think it will inspire Americans to come together around the ideals we share as a country," Kiley said.

Conter's Grass Valley neighbor and longtime friend Jack Kennedy hopes the passing of this bill serves as a reminder to honor our fallen soldiers.

"Today, too many people forget what they did and how important it is to carry that legacy forward," Kennedy said.

Kiley said he's had bipartisan support. The bill now heads to the House for a vote.

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