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Priest Accused Of Molest Greeted By Cheering Supporters Outside Jail

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A Roman Catholic priest who served parishioners in Woodland and Redding was released from jail Monday night after posting bond.

Uriel Ojeda, 32, was cheered by a group of supporters outside the downtown Sacramento County Main Jail when he was released just before 10 p.m.

Last week, Ojeda's bail was reduced from $5 million to $700,000. At that time, a spokeswoman with the Sacramento County District Attorney's office said that Ojeda admitted to an investigator for the Sacramento Catholic Diocese that he repeatedly molested a teenage parishioner. Ojeda's attorney, Jesse Ortiz, reportedly disputed that an admission was made.

Deputy District Attorney Allison Dunham presented that in Sacramento County Superior Court on Thursday in arguing that bail should remain high for Ojeda. Bail was reduced from $5 million to $700,000.

Ojeda turned himself in to the Sacramento Police Department on Nov. 30.

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