Poll: Voters Cool To Idea Of Restricting Unions
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A new Field Poll finds lackluster support for a November ballot initiative that seeks to severely restrict labor unions from collecting dues for political activity.
The survey released Friday found 44 percent of likely voters oppose Proposition 32 compared to 38 percent who support it. A significant portion, 18 percent, remains undecided.
On another union-related question, likely voters had mixed feelings about Gov. Jerry Brown's pension changes. While 18 percent of voters believe the new law goes too far, 39 percent say the fixes are about right and 26 percent say they don't go far enough.
Field and the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley interviewed 1,183 registered voters from Sept. 6-18. The poll has a sampling error margin of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points for likely voters.
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