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PG&E hit with lawsuit from Placer County Water Agency claiming they sparked the Mosquito Fire

PLACER COUNTY — The Placer County Water Agency is suing PG&E for sparking the Mosquito Fire, and they say they have proof.

Placer County Water Agency photo allegedly proving PG&E sparked the Mosquito Fire
Placer County Water Agency

The filed complaint includes a photo that the agency says shows the fire moments after it started close to PG&E electrical lines.

The lawsuit claims that a defect or malfunction started the fire and burned 77,000 acres in September.

The agency says that it lost millions of dollars due to the fire, and they are now seeking an unspecified amount in damages.

In a statement, PG&E representative James Noonan said, "there has been no official determination of cause of the Mosquito Fire, and the U.S. Forest Service's investigation is ongoing. We are cooperating fully with this effort."

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