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People Gathering In Sacramento Park To "Occupy Sacramento"

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - First New York, then Los Angeles and now a nation-wide movement is picking up steam in Sacramento.

People are filling Cesar Chavez Park right now as part of the "Occupy Sacramento" demonstrations.

They're another group joining the movement that started in New York to call attention to the disparity between rich and poor in the U.S.

"The wealth is going upwards and most people are suffering. They're having a very difficult time. People not being heard," said a demonstrator called Bakari.
"The politicians don't speak for us anymore. Our needs are not addressed."

At one point, Sacramento Police urged banks near Cesar Chavez Park to lock their doors after protestors begin milling around them.  However, police say the crowds have returned to the park.

Protesters say they'll stay in Cesar Chavez Park for as long as it takes to make their message heard.

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