Rain In Old Sacramento Doesn't Stop Tree Lighting Festivities
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Preparations are underway to clean up city streets ahead of more rain.
The rain was steadily falling Wednesday afternoon, but it may be helping with the air quality, washing away the smoke from the Camp Fire.
The rain didn't put a damper on the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Old Town Sacramento. This year, the 60-foot tall tree was perhaps the only star of the show.
The lighting ceremony typically includes live performances. But many of those were canceled because of the rain.
It was a Thanksgiving treat for Rachel Baldo who loves "being with family and putting up decorations," this time of year.
Around town, people loaded up on everything from material for water leaks and tarp to cover construction sites.
And on the streets of Sacramento, the city's massive claw picked up large piles of leaves and debris. Crews also worked to clear the roads for runners participating in Sacramento's 25 Annual Run to Feed the Hungry.