Gun Prompts Lockdown At High School In Roseville
ROSEVILLE (CBS13) — Two Oakmont High School students are behind bars after school officials say one of them brought a gun to school and handed it off to another.
Their arrests was just the start of a chaotic afternoon on campus.
"I will feel comfortable once I see the whites in their eyes and feel their skin," said mom Rachel Padilla.
Inconsolable parents waited to pick up their kids from school, knowing they can't.
"I'm so scared, and this is the longest I think they're on lockdown," said Sheie Marra as she waited for her son.
Roseville Police put Oakmont High School on lockdown after receiving reports of a gun on campus.
"He's actually more concerned about being with his fellow classmates and keeping them normal," Padilla said about her son.
It all started when a student told a classmate he has a gun in his backpack. That classmate spoke to CBS13, saying he reported the incident to teachers, immediately.
But officials say the suspect handed the gun off to another student. They say that student and the suspect were both arrested.
"For safety, they put school on lockdown and did a thorough search of campus and were able to find the gun," Roseville Police spokeswoman Deedee Gunther.
Once the gun was located, relief. A frightened mother hugged her two daughters tightly.
"That was scary, and I only got texts back from one not the other, so I was freaking out," she said.
The school also provided texts, warning parents it wasn't a drill.
Many students say they hid under their desks and tried to stay positive.
"Just to stay calm throughout the whole thing," her daughter said.
Teachers say they practice staying calm in drills twice a year.
They also emphasize that all too familiar saying, "If you see something, say something."
In this case, they say, it worked.
School will resume on Wednesday.