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No Bail For Escaped Santa Cruz Inmate

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) -- A Santa Cruz County inmate who allegedly punched out a deputy and terrorized a preschool during an escape is now being held without bail.

Judge Paul Burdick initially set 24-year-old Maurice Ainsworth's bail at $2 million. But prosecutors convinced the judge Friday that Ainsworth can't be freed on any terms because he's already been sentenced to four years in prison for auto theft and other crimes.

Ainsworth also was awaiting trial in a separate home invasion case when he escaped custody on Nov. 29.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports that a public defender entered not guilty pleas on Ainsworth's behalf Friday to four counts of escaping by force and burglary related to the escape. He's challenging the other 25 counts, which include assault, attempted murder and kidnapping.

(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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