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Newspaper Delivery Carrier Shot At

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The bullet holes through garages of two homes were intended to pierce a newspaper carrier adored by his customers.

"You have to feel bad for him. He's just doing his job," Oscar Garcia said Monday.

"He really cares about his work," Rosie Perez added. "He's always early, he's always on time, the same hour every day, and I like that."

For Perez's parents, the newspaper carrier gets out of his van every morning and walks the paper to the front door, dropping it in their bin so his elderly customers don't need to walk far.

"I thought that was a nice gesture," she said.

No one can figure out why someone would want him dead. The victim told police he put a yellow bandana over his face to protect him from the cold and because of that he may have been mistaken as a gang member.

The carrier and another man who drove the delivery van missed the bullets Sunday, and it seems luck was on everyone's side: one round hit an empty home. Two others went through a garage, avoiding the family with two young kids who live there:

"Two little girls and they're usually down the street selling tamales," Garcia said.

Some woke up without their daily paper on Detroit Boulevard on Monday morning.

"You have to be careful now a days and that's sad," Perez said.

The delivery carriers told police the suspect vehicle is a black Lexus, with blue neon headlights and yellow fog lights.

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