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Neighbors surprised as SMUD decides to clear redwood grove at headquarters

Neighbors surprised as SMUD decides to clear redwood grove at headquarters
Neighbors surprised as SMUD decides to clear redwood grove at headquarters 02:09

SACRAMENTO -- CBS13 has learned the Sacramento Municipal Utility District is preparing to cut down a redwood grove at its headquarters starting this weekend.

The trees are located in a redwood grove that sits around the SMUD customer service center on S Street. 

An internal email obtained by CBS13 reads in part:

"…We will be proceeding with cutting down the trees that, if they were to fall to the north would take out both the transmission line and the RT line. This phase represents 20 of the 57 identified trees. This work will begin next weekend (August 12-13)."

Some of the trees were planted in the 1950s.

CBS13 has learned the decision to remove the trees comes after one of the redwoods came down during the January storms, damaging the SMUD building. Repair work is still not done.

The surprise tree removal stands in stark contrast to SMUD's advertising campaign to address growing environmental concerns. 

The utility works with the Sacramento Tree Foundation to plant free trees for residents as a way to build what it describes as a sustainable urban forest. 

People who live next door to the SMUD redwood grove did not know about the tree teardown planned for the weekend. 

"I think that its really important for them to talk to the public," neighbor Jauve Johnson said. "I think that cutting some trees that are right next to me, that's kind of part of the scenery for this apartment, and, you know, I think with us dealing with climate change and everything like that we need to keep as many trees as possible."

"Definitely, it's going to be a bad thing removing them because everyone loves redwood trees," neighbor Corey Marzett said. 

SMUD keeps the grove open from dusk to dawn. 

This peaceful place for the public now getting a new look with no warning.

CBS13 reached out to SMUD several times Thursday for comment and, at the time of this publication, had not received a statement from the company.

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