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Man's Prized Guitar Among Items Stolen In Davis Burglary

DAVIS (CBS13) - A burglar breaks into a home, and one of the victims hears the suspect's every move, but she does nothing to stop it, doesn't even realize what's happened until hours later.

"I could hear footsteps, but I thought it was just my roommates just getting up for a glass of water or something," Christine Rice said.

It wasn't a roommate. It was a burglar inside the home off Pole Line Road. But no one even knew until the next morning.

"And all of a sudden my girlfriend looked over and said, 'Did someone steal our TV?'" Colin Wright said.

Yes, they did, and that's not all. A Blu-Ray player and Nintendo Wii were also taken.

But the electronics didn't matter nearly as much as Wright's prized guitar. "It's a Fender Lee jazz bass. It's more sentimental than the other things," Wright said. "It wasn't so much that it was an expensive instrument."

Wright has played shows with it and is now desperate to get it back. He's posting a $500 reward for it.

Colin's roommate was certainly unsettled when she realized what those footsteps really were.

"It gave me the creeps," Rice said.

Davis has seen a rash of home burglaries since the new year, and the thieves aren't always breaking into empty homes. One boy hid and called 911 when a burglar broke into his house in February.

Police are putting out the word to keep doors and windows locked and they're looking for the suspect or suspects responsible for the rash of break-ins.

For Colin, as much as he loves his guitar, he and his roommates lost something else that's irreplaceable.

"The idea that we're not safe in our house anymore, I guess that's what we lost the most," he said.
"Something that won't ever go away," said Rice. "That fear I've never had before."

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