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Lodi Woman Arrested For DUI After Driving Through Fire Training

LODI (CBS13) -- A Lodi woman was arrested for driving drunk after almost hitting firefighters who were conducting a training exercise Thursday afternoon.

Police say Veronica Rodriguez, 25, narrowly missed Lodi fire trucks and firefighters while they were in the middle of training.

Rodriguez failed to turn around at cones set up for the training on Sacramento Street, drove through the cones and then attempted to turn on West Locust when she was flagged down by Captain Brad Doell of the Lodi Fire Department.

After speaking with her briefly, firefighters took her keys and called police and Rodriguez was arrested for DUI.

"When she rolled down her passenger window, that's when I noticed the smell of alcohol," Doell told CBS13's Maria Medina. "Very strong."

Rodriguez originally agreed to speak to Medina but then changed her mind. Doell said the excuse she gave him for driving through the training exercise was that she didn't want to be late for work.

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