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Lodi leaders set aside letter asking to end same-day registration, require voter ID

Lodi councilmembers shelf letter that would consider voter ID requirement
Lodi councilmembers shelf letter that would consider voter ID requirement 03:01

LODI – The Lodi City Council decided to shelf a letter that called to end same-day registration and require voter identification at polling places.

The city council was considering sending the letters to Gov. Gavin Newsom and President Trump. But after a public outcry at Wednesday night's meeting, the council decided to set the letter aside and may bring it back if it gets the support. 

Councilmember Lisa Craig called for the full council to vote on the resolution.

"I think we all have some concerns about voter integrity," Craig said. "I am a supporter but at this point, I want to hear from the community."

Mary Kenefick is with the San Joaquin County League of Women's Voters and opposes the resolution and other election changes proposed by the San Joaquin County election advisory committee including banning mail-in voting.

81% of San Joaquin County voters cast their ballots that way in 2024.

"It's absurd," Kenefick said. "What's next, should we go back to the Pony Express, and outdoor plumbing?"

The debate over election integrity comes after former Lodi councilmember Shakir Khan was convicted of election fraud in 2024. Prosecutors alleged he had more than 20 people registered to vote at his home address.

"I think we're just sensitive to the issue of voter integrity on top of election integrity," Craig said 

"We want as many legitimate voters as possible to vote," Kenefick said. 

This Lodi resolution has no power to change voting laws on its own, only state legislation would be able to do that. 

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