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Local Teen Reaps Profits On iPhone Apps

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Curiosity and determination led a local teen to create a number of programs for Apple's popular iPhone and iPad platforms, and the profits of his success will help pay for his college.

West Campus High School junior Max Collard, 17, has made thousands of dollars from a pair of iPhone games and a science application.

Max said a book on math he read in the second grade sparked his interest, and was already creating computer programs within a year.

With a handicap that makes it hard to see clearly more than a few feet away, Max was inspired to create a color-coded chart of the periodic table of the elements.

"You can see how there's sort of a cluster of high density elements towards the bottom-center of the table," Max said, pointing at his iPad.

His games, including his "Billy Ragdoll" app, have proved to be the big moneymaker and nets Max about 70 cents for every sale.

Max wants to spend his $20,000 in profits on tuition at the prestigious John Hopkins University, where he hopes to study biomedical engineering and neurology.

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