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Lincoln Resident In Process Of Trying To Recall 2 Council Members, Mayor

LINCOLN (CBS13) --  Councilman Spencer Short, along with fellow council member Tom Cosgrove and even the Mayor, Paul Joiner, just learned they could be stepping down from their seats if Lincoln resident Bob Birdseye gets what he wants.

Birdseye served them official notices during Tuesday's city council meeting, explaining he had just spurred a recall election.

"I am fed up and I'm not alone in this recall process," said Birdseye.

The main reason for his move was due to "Measure K".

"They just put Measure K on the ballot in November," he explains.

Measure K was a utilities tax where the city would bill each resident $300 a year, and business owners $600 a year.

Councilman Short says it would bring in $2 million to fund the city's basic services.

But, the measure failed and the city may need to lay off several police officers to save money.

"We've been in this budget crisis mode for the last two years, trying to figure out any way to reduce our budget, and these folks have never come forward with any sort of solution," says Short.

Still, it won't be easy to remove them; Birdseye needs to get 5,000 people to sign each petition, and only has 120 days to do it.

"They must go, we've all had enough," says Birdseye.

If Birdseye succeeds, a special election will be held which the City of Lincoln will have to pay for.

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