Election Workers Scramble For Votes On Eve Of Election
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - On the eve of the election, both parties were scrambling to reach as many voters as possible.
At Republican headquarters in Sacramento County on Monday night, volunteers hoped to reach 17,000 local voters in one night.
They're focusing on the deadlocked congressional race between incumbent Republican Dan Lungren and Democrat Ami Bera.
"With so little time you can't exactly walk to every house so what phone calls are used for is volume," said Lauren Lombardo with the California Republican Party.
Meanwhile, the Sacramento Obama camp is reaching out across state lines to voters in key battleground states, states such as Ohio, Colorado, Nevada and Wisconsin.
"What we're doing is we're just ensuring the people we've talked with over the last many months are getting out to the polls," said Obama phone bank director Bob Aldrich.
It was already busy at the Sac County election headquarters Monday. Voters were dropping off their ballots with the sorting already under way.
They have already received nearly 200,000 vote-by-mail ballots, an early indicator turnout in Sacramento County could be higher than four years ago "based on what we're seeing with the VBMs and how many phone calls we're getting from people wanting to know where their polling place is," said Alice Jarboe with the registrar's office.