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Labor Day Weekend Will See Cooling For Holiday

The holiday weekend kicked off with some warm temperatures but is expected to end on a cooler note.

Saturday was a hot one for in the valley with temperatures in the mid 90s in many locations, but Sunday will bring a bit more cloud cover and cooler conditions to the area.

A center of low pressure off the coast will help kick up the delta breeze and drop temperatures down to the upper 80s for Sunday.

Some moisture will also try and creep into the area, bring the chance for thunderstorms in the Sierra for Sunday and Monday.

Sacramento has a chance for some drizzle in the next few days, but what does fall won't amount to much.

Most of Sunday will be partly cloudy, with more cloud cover moving in for the evening and into Monday.

By Wednesday, the low pressure system will push to the north and east, helping to score out the moisture.

The middle and end of the week will bring temperatures back up to the mid 90s with plenty of sunshine.

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