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JFK High School student attacked with pepper spray by group of adults in classroom

Kennedy High School student attacked after a group with 6 adults entered her classroom
Kennedy High School student attacked after a group with 6 adults entered her classroom 02:15

SACRAMENTO —  Sacramento City Unified School District leaders say a female student was attacked after a group of six non-students came into John F. Kennedy High School without permission and pepper-sprayed her. 

How the six alleged suspects were able to get on campus Thursday is not yet clear. At least two of the group members entered the girl's classroom around 2:30 p.m. and attacked her using pepper spray. 

The victim required medical attention on the scene. A staff member was also pepper-sprayed while trying to help the student and break up the fight. 

A student who spoke with CBS13 described a scary scene, one he's glad didn't have an even worse outcome. 

"An alarm went off and I thought it was an active shooter at first, so I got scared. And then everybody just started running and yelling. They brought me in the support center and we had to wait for like an hour an then they dismissed everybody," said freshman Ryan Peterson. 

The lockdown was lifted Thursday around 3:15 p.m. and students were then allowed to go home. 

School district leaders maintain that safety is a top priority and they are always working to address potential security risks. 

"We are deeply troubled that adults with no clear connection to the school made the decision to disrupt learning and harm students and staff on a campus. We thank the JFK High School staff who worked swiftly to protect students today to identify and detain these individuals," a spokesperson for the district said in part. 

There is still no motive on why these adults attacked the student. 

The Sacramento Police Department confirmed with CBS13 Thursday night that they did make two arrests on misdemeanor charges at the school following the altercation. 

However, they were unrelated to the initial incident. All of the six suspects who allegedly came into the school and attacked the student remain on the run. 

Sacramento PD urges anyone with information on their whereabouts or with video of the attack to contact them immediately. 

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