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Job-Seekers Hope National Good News Rubs Off In Stockton

STOCKTON (CBS13) — The national unemployment rate dropped to 8.5 percent in December, the lowest rate in nearly three years, with the addition of 200,000 new jobs. But closer to home in Stockton, the lines were running long at a job fair on Friday.

When the doors first opened at the downtown Stockton Memorial Civic Auditorium, hundreds lined up, and when they heard about the national economy improving, many just shook their heads. Some of these people haven't had work in years.

Electrician Jesus Moreno can't quite remember how many jobs he's applied for since he's been out of work. National numbers notwithstanding, unemployment in Stockton is still sky high at 15 percent.

"I lost count it's so many," he said of job applications. "I wanna say maybe 50? I'm not seeing any change at all."

He's back on the job hunt hopeful to finally find an opportunity. Friday's event offered a chance to get face to face with potential employers in the construction industry.

"I've been out of work three years," said a man who identified himself just as Larry. "Ain't nothin' I can't build or tear down. I'm ready to work. I have three kids and need some money."

The job fair was originally intended for a new health facility to be built in Stockton but was expanded to include opportunities from the city, San Joaquin County Public Works, Caltrans and other contractors.

All told, organizers say hundreds, if not several thousand jobs could be available. Perhaps it's hope that things could finally be turning around in one of the hardest-hit cities in California.

Still, the line stretched down the block.

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