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Isleton Business Owner Has Work, Needs Workers

ISLETON (CBS13) — The pay is roughly $10 to $15 an hour, full time, and there's even a great office view where you can make your own hours, but the shop owner says he's had a "Help Wanted" sign up for more than a year.

Randy Garrett cuts, sews and measures day and night, seven days a week. The business he owns with his wife — Oxbow Marine Canvas and Upholstery — is a small shop doing big business.

"We have more work than we know what to do with 30," he tells CBS13.

Three weeks into opening his doors, Randy went looking to hire at least three people with experience making boat covers. Despite being in the middle of the recession, no one came knocking.

" I didn't get anybody, not a person," he says.

So Randy was willing to train someone. Finally, his phone rang with job applicants, just not the right job applicants.

"I demand high quality in what we do," he says.

A half a dozen workers, and more than a year later, Randy's only company at his shop are his two birds: Love and Gray.

Randy says...he couldn't find anyone willing to do the work.

"Work ethics have slacked off," he says. "People have forgotten what it's like to get out there and work for a living."

Someone not willing to make this their permanent job need not apply. Randy says he and his wife are actually retiring in a couple years and they're willing to pass their business on to the right person.

The business owner blames the bad economy for bad work ethics. He believes many just don't think his $10 an hour job is worth the effort.

In that case he says, he'll do it alone — one stitch at a time.

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