Ione Homecoming Parade Political Costumes Draw Ire Of Residents
IONE (CBS13) — A trio walking in an Ione homecoming parade dressed up in unflattering costumes depicting President Donald Trump, former president Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
The homecoming parade is supposed to be a family-oriented event, but that wasn't the case for some families after they saw what they called "distasteful" costumes.
The act was offensive to Marta Bracken who watched the parade from her window.
"There was a man dressed as Obama handcuffed to Hillary, who was also distastefully dressed," she said.
Another man dressed like President Trump was carrying what appears to be a rifle, drawing cheers of "Kill the b----."
Bracken says the profanity and costumes give the wrong image of the city and were inappropriate. Others were confused and didn't know why the trio was dressed up.
Louis Harris was at Sunday's parade, and while he says the costumes didn't offend him, he didn't think the act was funny.
"It's negative and there's no place for it," he said.
But Ionians like Dolores Larrigan say the trio has been doing satirical acts like this for years.
"One year, they made a comedy act about one of our landscapers and they had lawnmowers," she said.