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Interstate 80 Bottleneck Expansion In Roseville Nearly Complete

ROSEVILLE (CBS13) – You may soon be hearing "hallelujahs" in Roseville during commute time as a five-year construction project to widen Interstate 80 comes to end.

The Interstate 80 Bottleneck expansion project began back in 2006 and will finally be complete on Monday.

Interstate 80 no longer narrows to six lanes when you hit Placer County; it is now 10 lanes wide.

Caltrans says average speeds in the bottleneck will increase from 35 mph to 52 mph. And without the delays, regional drivers will save 880,000 gallons of gas each year, the agency estimates.

The three-phase project was a collaboration among Caltrans, Placer County and the city of Roseville.

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