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Inspirational Kids Take Top Scouting Award As Eagle Scouts During Pandemic

RANCHO CORDOVA (CBS13) - A proud applause echoed throughout the River City Christian Church in Rancho Cordova Saturday for some of the most inspirational teens in Sacramento.  They're taking on one tough challenge.

"Perseverance. It took a lot of time to get to where we are," said Eagle Scout Keilani Quayle.

14 kids with Troop 380 just achieved scouting's highest rank as Eagle Scout. What's even more impressive is that they did it during the pandemic.

"They couldn't get together. We had to do a lot [of] things by Zoom. We had to cancel a lot of trips and things like that, but these kids managed to get their Eagle Scout which is the top award," said Troop 380 Troopmaster Dave Ishikawa.

Of the 14, two of the newest Eagle Scouts are girls who stepped up to the plate hoping to inspire young women.

"I had an amazing experience becoming an Eagle Scout and I thought it was an incredible opportunity to be a role model for young girls and say, 'hey you can do it too!'" said Eagle Scout Amyann Evans.

"My brother's two years older than me and he has helped me so much, pushing me to do things I didn't think I could," said Keilani Quayle.

Keilani is following in her big brother's footsteps. Evans is taking after her grandfather. But all of them, male or female, came together to help each other make it to the Eagle Scouts Court of Honor.

"It's really cool and I really like seeing new faces and a variety of faces. I'd really like the troop to be as diverse as possible," said Jacob Quayle.

"Pretty crazy actually. Stressful to have so much influence on people but I love all the scouts in our troop and I know I'll be a good influence," said Keilani Quayle.

The Boy Scouts of America didn't start allowing girls to join until 2019. Then in 2021, they named the first female Eagle Scouts.

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