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What Does It Take To File A Lien?

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - What does it take to file a lien?

In November 2017 Call Kurtis investigated a mechanics' lien filed on a Rocklin woman's home. Construction attorney Ken Grossbart told CBS13 at the time that it is actually easy to file a mechanics' lien, and it is not always on the level.

"I think it can be used as a bully process at times," said Grossbart. In order to file, all the person needs to do is provide the address, pay a fee, and fill out a report. Once that is done the county files the lien.

READ: Call Kurtis Investigates: Home Sales & Refis In Jeopardy Over PG&E's Debt

What if you don't owe the money? Grossbart says it will cost you to fight it and only harms you if you are trying to sell or refinance. He said, "Just sit on it. You're not going to lose your property."

Grossbart says if contractors do not start the foreclosure process within 90 days, the lien technically expires.

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