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How you can help firefighters reduce fire risk without any tools

How you can help firefighters reduce fire risk without any tools
How you can help firefighters reduce fire risk without any tools 01:32

It's a way to reduce fire fuel without needing any tools to do the job. 

Sometimes the best approach is the simplest one, and this is one easy approach to reduce the fire threat.

Reducing ladder fuels help to ensure that flames can't climb up a tree, and is a fire prevention technique that is not often talked about. 

Most of the time, the focus is on creating a defensible space around your home by cutting back the brush. 

However, Cal Fire is focusing on stopping the fire before it can spread by cutting back the fuel at the base of the trees and up to six feet. 

A spokesperson from Cal Fire Butte County said, "So it's pretty simple. I'm about five foot seven and I raise my hand up and that's about six feet. So I'm going to start taking off the branches.

This process is called "limbing up the trees". 

Fire experts remind us that most wildfires start as surface fires and they won't reach the crown of a tree if the vertical fuel continuity has been eliminated.

The benefits can go beyond fire mitigation. 

Tree limbing can also allow more light to reach your lawn and garden. The more light, the better the chances of thriving. 

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