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UPDATE: Man's Identity Revealed In Bizarre Amador County Incident

PINE GROVE (CBS13) -- A man who stabbed a horse and eventually was shot by Amador County deputies over the weekend had several self-inflicted stab wounds, according to new information released Tuesday.

The terrifying Saturday night for the woman who lives on property in Pine Grove started when a man, identified Tuesday as Gaylord Neil Story, 59, showed up at her front door covered in blood.

A forensic examination of Story by pathologists with the Sacramento County Coroner's Office revealed Story had numerous self-inflicted stab wounds to his torso, two of which were very serious, one of which would have been fatal.

"This does not happen here," said a neighbor, Belinda Massoro.

Massoro still can't believe what happened just a few doors down from her on Primrose Lane. She says the 53-year-old victim told her the whole story hours after the incident.

"Oh my gosh, it's one of my neighbors," Massoro said.

The 59-year-old Story, who Massoro says always kept to himself, went onto the woman's property Saturday covered in blood.

"He went to her house, and for some reason stabbed her horse," Massoro said, "then went up to her, she was watering her lawn, and she asked him if he needed help."

She offered to call 911 and he said "no, don't do that," according to the sheriff's office.

The victim, sensing something wasn't right, ran into her house, then hid outside. Story followed and broke in, then went looking for her outside. That's when she ran to a neighbor's and called 911.

Amador County sheriff's deputies arrived on scene 13 minutes after the call and found Story outside the woman's residence rummaging through her car. The deputies ordered Story to show his hands. Story replied "you are too late." The deputies continued to give Story orders that he ignored. They were eventually able to determine he was trying to conceal a large knife.

He fled into nearby woods, where deputies cornered Story, who was holding a fly mask.

"The deputy told him to drop the mask, he did, and came over with a large knife, raised it over his head, and came at the deputies," Sheriff Martin Ryan said. "The two deputies fired their rifles at him."

All four rounds from the two deputies hit Story and he died at the scene. The horse was treated and survived. Deputies say they don't know Story's motive. He had no criminal record.

"My reaction was, I was kind of glad it was the horse and not her, but you do have to feel for the horse," Massoro said.

After the shooting, the deputies and a CHP officer searched Story's residence and found a knife and a large amount of blood.

The two deputies who fired their weapons and a third on scene are all on administrative leave and are receiving counseling. They're expected to return to work next week.

The state Department of Justice is conducting an independent investigation.

And the victim isn't allowing anyone on to her property. She's locked the only way on.

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