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Hidden Cash Coming To Sacramento In Capital City Tour

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – "Hidden Cash" will soon be popping up around the capital city, with the popular urban scavenger hunt tweeting Tuesday that they are "Excited to be in Sacramento next week."

Jason Buzi, the man behind @HiddenCash, has agreed to appear on Good Day Sacramento during his visit, although the exact date is still under wraps.

Hidden Cash will be hitting four capital cities over the next few weeks, according to more tweets. Along with Sacramento, cash will be hidden in London, Paris and Madrid.

The craze most recently hit Chicago on Monday, but copycat scavenger hunts have also started hitting other cities around the US.

If you're interested in participating in the scavenger hunt, make sure to check the group's Twitter feed for clues on where the $20, $50 or $100 bills are hidden.

In their most recent tweet as of Wednesday morning, Hidden Cash noted that they are not a charity or billionaires. They just want to help people have fun. width='320' width='320'

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