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Grant Union High's First Female Varsity Kicker Proves She Belongs With The Boys

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Jordan Davis is a girl amongst boys, but with her helmet on, you'd never know the difference between her and her teammates.

Davis is a junior at Grant Union High School and the varsity kicker for the football team.

She's being called a trailblazer as the only female varsity kicker in the program's history, but when Davis laces up the cleats she just wants to be treated like one of the guys.

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"I like being able to kind of set the tone for females," Davis said.

And all of the Pacers will tell you, she's definitely earned her stripes. She's out at every practice with her squad conditioning and strategizing for their next opponent.

Head coach Mike Alberghini says it's been a bit different coaching a girl, but his expectations don't change because of her gender.

"We respect her as a lady and a female, and then when we come out here to practice, we expect her to act like and us to treat her like a teammate," Alberghinisaid. "So it's two different worlds, but in the locker room she's still a young lady and we teach respect."



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