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Gov. Brown To Eliminate Report On Australia's Kangaroo Population And 717 Other Unnecessary Reports

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CBS13/AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown says his administration has found more than 700 unnecessary state reports as a result of a cost-cutting review he ordered last year.

The governor on Tuesday released a list of 718 reports his office believes are insignificant and outdated, about half of which must be submitted to the Legislature.

Some of the reports that agencies have to produce or transmit include an annual report on the kangaroo population in Australia and a monthly report on response to the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.

Many of the reports are redundant and at least one report was about a program that is no longer funded.

"It wastes a lot of time and money to write, track and file these reports," said Governor Brown. "Government should be focused on providing information that is actually helpful to taxpayers, not on checking boxes to meet outdated bureaucratic requirements."

The administration is ending production on about half of those reports. Brown's finance director, Ana Matosantos, is asking the Legislature to end reporting requirements on the remaining half.

A list of reports that require legislative action can be found here. A list of the rest of the reports Brown is eliminating can be found here.

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