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Gates May Be Added To Oak Park Alleys

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) -- Fed-up residents are pushing for city officials to install gates at the entrances to alleys in a crime-ridden neighborhood, hoping the restricted access will cut down on illegal acts.

Jose Perez, who has lived and worked in Oak Park for 30 years, said the neighborhood has become a magnet for criminals, especially with its low traffic, trashed alleys.

"From prostitutes to needle shares to smoking cocaine," Jose said. "The whole world comes and dumps their garbage here."

With few witnesses, criminals often hope to escape notice by hiding in the shadowy paths, according to police.

"They prefer to do things like that in the darker kind of areas," according to spokesman Sgt. Norm Leong.

Neighbors have been beginning for a solution to the problem, and if approved, Sacramento may install metal gates at the entrances to each alley for a total cost of $70,000.

Many garages face the alley, so the measure would be inconvenient to homeowners, but some residents said the tactic would be worth it.

"From what I understand, each of us will have keys," said Christopher Mack.

The Sacramento City Council will vote on the issue at Tuesday's meeting.

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