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Gary Gerould Calls 2,000th Game For The Sacramento Kings

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - A major milestone this week for the voice of the Sacramento Kings.

Gary Gerould called his 2,000th game Wednesday.

Gerould started calling for the Kings October 25, 1985 shortly after their move to Sacramento from Kansas City.

 He's been through a lot of ups and downs with the team right up to the current tough season.

But he sees good things ahead.

"It's really a trying time to be a Kings fan right now but you keep the faith and you keep saying 'It's going to click. It's going to get better' and when it does, we're going to really enjoy it," said Gerould.

As for retirement, Gerould says he and his wife have an agreement: When the job isn't fun anymore, he'll step down.

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