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Former Kings vice president Greg Van Dusen credited with bringing the team to Sacramento

Former Kings vice president Greg Van Dusen dies
Former Kings vice president Greg Van Dusen dies 02:25

SACRAMENTO - A Sacramento Sports Legend and very close friend of mine died today. 

You may not recognize his face or know his name, but without Greg Van Dusen, the landscape of our community wouldn't look the same. The headline to Greg's life would read: "He was the guy who helped broker the deal that brought the Kings to Sacramento," but the bigger story of his life and his impact goes way beyond the world of sports. Greg was a father, friend, philanthropist, mentor to many, and good guy to all.

"That's easy, sure we'll make it." That was classic Greg Van Dusen as he led the effort to build a new arena, ARCO, at the time for the Sacramento Kings -- a team that wouldn't be in town if he hadn't helped negotiate the deal to get them here from Kansas City. 

Greg was always full of optimism, from his young baseball playing days to his time in Vietnam to being a father, grandfather, and friend. He was always present, poised, and powerful, and not in a pound-your-chest sort of way.

As his sons proudly remember, their dad's eagle-eyed vision to get things done, tender touch to respect everyone involved, and strong faith in God helped guide his every move. 

"Aside from serving others, the greatest way to show love to the world was to inspire others to do great things," said one of his sons.  And do those great things with a smile. Even on his last breaths, he still had a sense of humor; he was still laughing and joking.

His family wanted to share with us those final moments. 

"Hey, this is Greg. I hope everybody is doing well." And Greg's final message: "It's been a wonderful life, and I just want to send to all of you my love and thanks and blessings." Blessings that'll last long after his passing.

"One of the biggest things he taught us his sons was loyalty and always having your friends and family's back, no matter what," one of his sons said.

Loyalty, love, and laughter. Not a bad way to live your life.

Greg and I had lunch earlier this month. I had a feeling it would be our last. Last Thursday, he called to say goodbye. 

"I just wanted to give you the exclusive," he joked. 

Well, tonight, so many of us just want to say thank you. Yes, for bringing the Kings to town but more importantly, for all that other stuff you did in your 72 years.

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